The Analysis on the Integration Ideal in Teaching Chinese Philosophy with Moral Education
DOI: 10.12677/CES.2020.83045, PDF,  被引量 下载: 882  浏览: 1,429 
作者: 张榕坤:上海理工大学沪江学院,上海
关键词: 中国哲学课程思政Chinese Philosophy Moral Education Truth Goodness Beauty
摘要: 传统意义上的中国哲学教学素来以彰显圣贤之道的“真”、“善”、“美”三大元素为课程内容,实现思想政治教育。但是,教师若想达成课程思政“立德树人”的根本任务,亦可将“真”、“善”、“美”作为一种自觉的教学理念与方法,即,确立“真诚”的传道立人之心,辅以富有“美感”的表达方式,落脚于“至善”的价值引导。只有如此,才能促成学生对中国哲学思想的深切认同,激发学生学以致用,在现实生活中切实践行中国哲学家的智慧。
Abstract: Traditionally, the educators attempt to demonstrate the content related to “truth”, “goodness” and “beauty” in order to achieve the goal of civilization and edification in the process of teaching Chinese philosophy. However, the three ingredients can also serve as the ideal and method that educators are supposed to use, i.e. the educators should establish a sincere heart and aim at delivering good values by means of teaching methods full of beauty. Only in this way can students identify with the thoughts in Chinese philosophy and have the impulse to put into practice.
文章引用:张榕坤. 中国哲学教学与课程思政的融合理念探析[J]. 创新教育研究, 2020, 8(3): 287-291.


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