Research on the Scientific Capacity Cultivation for Foreign Language Majors
DOI: 10.12677/CES.2020.83044, PDF, 下载: 805  浏览: 1,638  科研立项经费支持
作者: 麻 蕾:西北工业大学外国语学院,陕西 西安
关键词: 外语专业本科生科研能力培养课程教学Foreign Language Majors Scientific Research Capacity Cultivation Curriculum Teaching
摘要: 近年来,随着我国高等教育与国际接轨以及国家“双一流建设”的持续推进,对本科生科研能力培养提出更高要求,而外语专业本科生科研能力培养尚未形成有效培养机制。本论文针对我国高校外语专业本科生科研能力培养所面临的主要问题,依托外语专业本科课程教学,探讨通过基础阶段引入导论课程培养学生科研意识、将科研能力培养嵌入语言技能课程教学、将科研能力培养融入外语专业知识课程体系等课程教学实践的实施方案。
Abstract: In recent years, with the integration of the Chinese higher education to the world and the national “Double first-class construction” continued to advance, higher requirements have been put more forward for the scientific research capacity cultivation for the undergraduate. But the scientific research capacity cultivation for the foreign language majors has not yet formed an effective mechanism of implementation. In view of the main problems faced by the scientific capacity culti-vation for foreign language majors in China’s universities and colleges, the present paper, relying on the teaching of foreign language undergraduate courses, explores the implementation project on introducing introductory courses to cultivate students’ scientific research consciousness, em-bedding the cultivation of scientific research capacity into the teaching of language skills courses, and integrating the cultivation of scientific research capacity into the curriculum system of foreign language knowledge.
文章引用:麻蕾. 外语专业本科生科研能力培养研究[J]. 创新教育研究, 2020, 8(3): 280-286. https://doi.org/10.12677/CES.2020.83044


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