A Review of the Literature “Exploration of the Mathematical Proof of the Four-Color Theorem”
DOI: 10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2020.51010, PDF, 下载: 622  浏览: 1,479 
作者: 陈 陶:广安电力职业技术学校(原岳池县白庙职业中学校)
关键词: 四色定理思想方法理论构建证明方法存在问题及解决方法Four Color Theorem Ideological Approach Theoretical Construction Method of Proof There Are Problems and Solutions
摘要: 在深入研究了《探索四色定理的数学证法》一文后,对它的思想方法、理论构建、证明方法等做出了较为详细的介绍和述评,我们发现并解决了文章中存在的问题。对其学术价值持肯定意见,认为原文基本上解决了著名四色定理的理论证明问题,值得国内外相关领域的专家学者进一步审查或确认。
Abstract: After an in-depth study of the article “Exploration of the Mathematical Proof of the Four-Color Theorem”, it has made a more detailed introduction and review of its ideological methods, theoretical construction, and proof methods. We found and solved the problems in the article. We hold positive opinions on its academic value. We believe that the original text basically solves the problem of theoretical proof of the famous four-color theorem, and it is worth further review or confirmation by experts and scholars in related fields at home and abroad.
文章引用:陈陶. 《探索四色定理的数学证法》文献述评[J]. 汉斯预印本, 2020, 5(1): 1-5. https://doi.org/10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2020.51010


[1] 陈陶(陈涛)(2018)探索四色定理的数学证法.http://idea.cas.cn/viewdoc.action?docid=64713.