On the Legal Application of Foreign Network Copyright Infringement
摘要: 如今,我们对于网络的使用越来越不可缺少和频繁,涉外网络著作权侵权行为正是利用了网络的虚拟性,再加上此种侵权行为会利用网络作为“桥梁”联系世界上任何一个国家从而具有了涉外属性。由于涉外网络著作权侵权的新颖性和其独有的特点,给传统的知识产权侵权行为带来了两个挑战,首先对知识产权类型的分类有待仔细区分,其次对于连结点“被请求保护地”的解释也需要进一步扩大。回应挑战的同时也需要灵活运用最密切联系原则,然后站在一个宏观的、全面的角度去思考涉外网络著作权侵权的法律适用问题。
Abstract: Nowadays, our use of the Internet is becoming more and more indispensable and frequent. For-eign-related Internet copyright infringement makes use of the virtual nature of the Internet. In addition, such infringement will use the Internet as a “bridge” to contact any country in the world and thus has foreign-related properties. Due to the novelty and unique characteristics of foreign-related network copyright infringement, two challenges have been brought to the traditional intellectual property infringement. First, the classification of intellectual property types needs to be carefully distinguished; second, the interpretation of the link point “protected place requested” needs to be further expanded. While responding to the challenge, it is also necessary to flexibly apply the principle of the closest relation, and then consider the legal application of foreign Internet copyright infringement from a macroscopic and comprehensive perspective.
文章引用:王光英子. 论涉外网络著作权侵权的法律适用[J]. 法学, 2020, 8(2): 264-269. https://doi.org/10.12677/OJLS.2020.82038


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