Summary of the Present Research for the Engineering Characteristics of Gypsum-Bearing Stratum and Its Impact to Tunnel Engineering
DOI: 10.12677/AG.2020.104026, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 635  浏览: 1,033  科研立项经费支持
作者: 武朝军, 胡永利, 刘家海, 秦晓鹏, 张中勇:济南轨道交通集团有限公司,山东 济南
关键词: 含膏盐层隧道工程地质成因工程特性Gypsum-Bearing Stratum Tunnel Engineering Geological Causes Engineering Characteristics
摘要: 含膏盐层在地下水的长期作用下,对周边的隧道结构等地下结构产生膨胀力、溶蚀损伤等复杂的破坏作用。新建济莱高铁有多个长大隧道穿越鲁中山区,沿线广泛分布的含膏盐层,为了对含膏盐地层有充分的认识以采取适当措施防止工程建设和运营维护过程中含膏盐地层对隧道结构的损伤,在充分探明沿线含膏盐地层分布规律的基础上,调研分析了含膏盐层的地质成因、工程特性,总结了含膏盐层对隧道结构的病害和防治措施,并针对今后对含膏盐层的工程特性的进一步研究和含膏盐地层隧道工程的安全措施提出了建议。
Abstract: Under the long-term dynamic effect of groundwater, the gypsum-bearing stratum will have complex damage (e.g. swelling damage and erosion damage) to underground structures and especially to tunnel engineering. Several long tunnels of Jinan-Laiwu high-speed railway in the central mountain area of Shandong Province, will suffer a lot of damage by the gypsum-bearing stratum widely distributed along the railway line. In order to fully recognize the gypsum-bearing stratum, and prevent its damage to the project, the geological causes and engineering characteristics of the gyp-sum-bearing stratum are investigated and analyzed. Afterward, the damage and controlling meas-ures of the gypsum-bearing stratum on the tunnel structure are summarized. Finally, several sug-gestions are put forward for further research on the engineering characteristics of gypsum-bearing stratum, improving the safety and durability of tunnel engineering in gypsum-bearing stratum.
文章引用:武朝军, 胡永利, 刘家海, 秦晓鹏, 张中勇. 含膏盐地层的工程特性研究现状及其对隧道工程的影响[J]. 地球科学前沿, 2020, 10(4): 284-290. https://doi.org/10.12677/AG.2020.104026


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