The Relationship between Maxwell Equations and Lorentz Transformation in the Principle of Relativity
DOI: 10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2020.51004, PDF, 下载: 649  浏览: 1,665 
作者: 郭德强:国家电网抚顺供电公司,抚顺
关键词: 相对性原理麦克斯韦方程组洛伦兹变换Principle of Relativity Mexwell’s Equaioins Lorentz Transformation
摘要: 麦克斯韦方程组在彼此平权的两个坐标系K和K'中服从相对性原理需借助洛伦兹变换。当平面波(包括电磁波和机械波)从彼此互作匀速相对运动的坐标系传播K到K'时会发生多普勒效应。根据相对性原理,只有借助洛伦兹变换才能将在坐标系的平面波波动方程中的和协变为在坐标系K的平面波波动方程中的x和t协变为在坐标系K’的平面波波动方程中的x’和t’。
Abstract: It is necessary for Maxwell equations to obey the principle of relativity in two coordinate systems K and K' which are equal to each other. When the plane wave (including electromagnetic and me-chanical wave) from each other for the spread of the axis of relative motion at a constant speed of K to K' happens when the doppler effect. According to the principle of relativity, only with the help of Lorentz transformation can the sum of the plane wave equation in the coordinate system be covariated to the x and t of the plane wave equation in the coordinate system K’ be covariated to the x’ and t’ of the plane wave equation in the coordinate system K’.
文章引用:郭德强. 麦克斯韦方程组在相对性原理中与洛伦兹变换的关系[J]. 汉斯预印本, 2020, 5(1): 1-8. https://doi.org/10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2020.51004


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