The Annual Total Artesian Water Diversion Plan of 300 Billion Square Meters in the Arid Desert Area of Northwest China
DOI: 10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2020.51001, PDF, 下载: 868  浏览: 2,185 
作者: 黄振强:中国化工地质矿山局福建化工地质勘查院,福州
关键词: 中国大西北干旱沙漠区每年3000亿方全自流调水规划Northwest China Arid Desert Area 300 Billion Cubic Meters Per Year All Their The Diversion Planning
摘要: 中国大西北干旱沙漠区缺水已经严重制约了国民经济的健康、平衡和可持续发展。大西北干旱沙漠区每年3000亿方全自流调水工程预算总造价低于3万亿元,工期不到10年,所以,如果能够尽早实施建成,无疑是功在当代利在千秋的伟业。希望中央政府、水利部、农业部、水电部……等各大国计民生相关部门和众多专家学者、仁人志士及时给予高度重视。
Abstract: The water shortage in the arid desert area of northwest China has seriously restricted the healthy, balanced and sustainable development of the national economy. In the arid desert area of north-west China, the total budget of the full artesian water diversion project of 300 billion square meters per year is less than 3 trillion yuan, and the construction period is less than 10 years. Hope the central government, Ministry of Water Resources, ministry of agriculture, ministry of water and power... And other major national economy and people's livelihood related departments and many experts and scholars, people with lofty ideals to pay high attention in a timely manner.
文章引用:黄振强. 中国大西北干旱沙漠区每年3000亿方全自流调水规划[J]. 汉斯预印本, 2020, 5(1): 1-7.


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