A Corpus-Based Study on the Use of Academic Words in Postgraduates’ Academic Writing
DOI: 10.12677/OETPR.2019.12007, PDF, 下载: 987  浏览: 2,245 
作者: 梁 婕*:山西师范大学外国语学院,山西 临汾
关键词: 语料库学术词汇学术写作科技词汇Corpus Academic Words Academic Writing Technical Words
摘要: 学术词汇量有限对于学习学术英语(EAP)或专业英语(ESP)的学生是具有挑战性的,尤其是当他们在专业环境下进行阅读和写作的时候。为了帮助学生学习学术词汇,Coxhead在2000年建立了一个学术词汇表(AWL),这对于扩充EAP学生的学术词汇量是很有帮助的。本研究收集了58篇作文,作者都是在英国华威大学英语语言教育专业和跨文化交际专业就读的研究生。这些作文分别被编译成两个语料库:英语语言教育专业MA语料库和跨文化交际专业MSc语料库。本文计算了学术词汇在这两个语料库中的覆盖率,并罗列出了两个语料库中出现频率较高的学术词汇,结果表明学术词汇在这两个专业学生的作文中有较高覆盖率,同时建议欲就读这两个专业的学生能够熟练掌握这些高频学术词汇和科技词汇。
Abstract: Insufficient knowledge of academic vocabulary could be challenging for students who learn English for academic or specific purposes (EAP or ESP), especially when reading and writing under professional contexts. In order to help students’ academic vocabulary learning, Coxhead established an Academic Word List in 2000, which is a valuable resource to enrich EAP students’ knowledge of academic vocabulary. This study collected 58 assignments written by students from MA English Language Teaching and MSc Intercultural Communications for Business and Professions, University of Warwick, and compiled them into two corpora, MA corpus and MSc corpus. After evaluating the coverage of AWL words and identifying high-frequency academic words in the two corpora, the results show that AWL words have high coverage in both corpora and prospective students are recommended to apply these high-frequency AWL words and technical words proficiently.
文章引用:梁婕. 基于语料库研究学术词汇在研究生学术写作中的运用[J]. 国外英语考试教学与研究, 2019, 1(2): 47-56. https://doi.org/10.12677/OETPR.2019.12007


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