The Study of Industrialization of External Chinese Education in the Context of the “Belt and Road”
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2019.84075, PDF, 下载: 1,194  浏览: 3,222 
作者: 杨惠晰, 贾凤萍, 李隆婷:大连理工大学,文法学院,辽宁 大连
关键词: 对外汉语教育产业化一带一路External Chinese Industrialization of Education The Belt and Road
摘要: 随着“一带一路”国家发展战略的全面推进,汉语在中国对外交流活动中发挥着越来越重要的作用,这带来了对外汉语教育的繁荣。对外汉语教育不只是一种教育,也是一种产业。本文通过市场分析研究对外汉语教育产业化的可行性,得出对外汉语教育产业市场广阔,且海外汉语学习者“低龄化”进一步拓展了该市场。本文接着分析讨论了对外汉语教育产业化现状,发现其存在民办机构发展不足、汉语教育资源缺乏、汉语教育市场分布不均等问题,并提出抓住“低龄化”机遇拓展市场、利用网络媒体发展产业、大力推广全球汉语考试等建议。
Abstract: With the advancement of the “Belt and Road” strategy, Chinese as a tool of communication plays a more and more important role in international activities, which has brought the prosperity of External Chinese education. External Chinese education is more than simple education. It can be seen as an industry and be studied as goods in markets. This paper touches upon this field and studies the feasibility of the industrialization of external Chinese education through analyzing its markets, drawing a conclusion that there is a wide market and young overseas Chinese learners have further expanded the market. Then, the paper discusses some problem of the industrializa-tion of external Chinese external, such as insufficient development of the private Chinese training institutions, the shortage of Chinese educational resources, and the uneven distribution of Chinese education market. Finally, writers put forward some suggestions, such as seizing the opportunity of the increase of young Chinese learners to expand the market, making use of network to develop the industry, and vigorously promoting Chinese exams.
文章引用:杨惠晰, 贾凤萍, 李隆婷. “一带一路”战略下对外汉语教育产业化研究[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2019, 8(4): 526-534. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2019.84075


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