Studies on the Relationship between Anther Development and Reactive Oxygen Balancing in Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge
DOI: 10.12677/HJAS.2012.23007, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 3,341  浏览: 15,306  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 张淑静, 郑彩霞*, 李凤兰:北京林业大学生物科学与技术学院;王 强:中国科学院水生生物研究所
关键词: 文冠果花药雄性不育活性氧代谢Xanthoceras sorbifolia B.; Anthers; Male Sterile; Metabolism of Reactive Oxygen
摘要: 本文分析了文冠果不育和可育花药自小孢子母细胞至双核花粉粒发育期间的活性氧的平衡性,结果表明:在发育过程中不育花药中的SODCAT活性不协调,Vc含量低,造成H2O2MDA和有机自由基积累。这可使线粒体等重要细胞器膜破坏,影响了花药发育能量的供应和营养物质的供应而最终导致花药不育。
Abstract: The balancing of the metabolism of reactive oxygen in male fertile anthers and male sterile anthers in Xanthoceras sorbifolia B. from microspore mother cells stage to binuclear stage was studied in this paper. The results indicated that the activity of SOD and CAT was inharmonious, and the content of Vc was less in the male-sterile anthers during their development, which cause the H2O2, MDA and organic free radical accumulating in the male-sterile anthers. As a result, the membranes of some important organelles such as mitochondria were destroyed. It result in the anthers sterile because of impact supply of energy and nutrient substance that anthers upgrowth needed.
文章引用:张淑静, 王强, 郑彩霞, 李凤兰. 文冠果花药发育与活性氧平衡的关系[J]. 农业科学, 2012, 2(3): 37-42. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/HJAS.2012.23007


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