Discussion on Continuity and Discontinuous Points of Composite Functions
DOI: 10.12677/AAM.2019.82040, PDF, 下载: 1,222  浏览: 4,719  科研立项经费支持
作者: 杨立敏, 马 鹏, 赵嵩卿, 于 静:中国石油大学(北京)克拉玛依校区,文理学院,北京;吴 剑:中国石油大学(北京)克拉玛依校区,工学院,北京
关键词: 复合函数连续间断邻域Composite Function Continuity Discontinuity Neighborhood
摘要: 设函数y=g(x),y0=g(x0),z=f(y),以及邻域U(x0)⊂Dg,U(y0)⊂Df . 根据[1]中的论述, 如果(i)g(x)在x0点连续,(ii)f(y)在y0点连续,则复合函数f[g(x)] 在x0点连续。本文将通过构造简单的实例论证当(i)、(ii)中至少有一条不成立时,f[g(x)] 在x0点不一定能保证连续性,且当f[g(x)] 在x0点间断时,其间断点类型也未必与x0之于g(x)及y0之于f(y)的情况相同。
Abstract: Suppose y = g(x), y0 = g(x0), z = f (y), U (x0) ⊂ Dg , U (y0) ⊂ Df , by [1], we have following conclusions. If (i) g(x) is continuous at x0, and (ii) f (y) is continuous at y0, then com- posite function f [g(x)] is continuous at x0. In this paper, we will use some examples to illustrate that f [g(x)] is not necessarily continuous at x0 under the assumption of (i) and (ii) at least one of them is not established. Moreover, when f [g(x)] is discontinuous at x0, the types of discontinuous points are not necessary to maintain the same types of x0 for g(x) and y0 for f (y).
文章引用:杨立敏, 马鹏, 吴剑, 赵嵩卿, 于静. 关于复合函数的连续性与间断点类型的探讨[J]. 应用数学进展, 2019, 8(2): 357-364. https://doi.org/10.12677/AAM.2019.82040


[1] 同济大学数学系. 高等数学(上) [M]. 第七版. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2014.