从基因 × 环境视角探讨物质使用问题形成
Exploring the Causes of Substance Use Problem from the Perspective of Gene-by-Environment
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2018.811202, PDF, 下载: 1,012  浏览: 1,203 
作者: 谢锐钦:华南师范大学心理学院,广东 广州
关键词: 物质使用问题基因 × 环境多基因基因 × 干预Substance Use Problem Gene-by-Environment Polygenic Gene-by-Intervention
摘要: 物质使用问题是社会普遍关注的公共健康问题。现有研究表明,个体遗传因素与其所处的环境之间的交互作用最终会导致物质使用问题。近年来,基因 × 环境交互研究为物质使用问题的形成提供了新的证据。未来研究应更多地关注多基因与环境如何相互作用影响物质使用问题的形成。同时,未来研究可以关注基因在物质使用问题干预工作中的作用,即基因与干预措施的相互作用(基因 × 干预)对干预效果的影响。
Abstract: Substance use problem is a common and serious public health problem. Previous research indi-cates that the interaction between genetic factors and environmental factors may contribute to explaining substance use problem. Recently, gene-by-environment research in this field provides new evidence to understand the emergence of this problem. Future research could test the impact of the interaction between multi-genes and environment on substance use problem. Furthermore, the influence of the interplay between gene and intervention, namely how genetic factors moderate the effect of intervention on substance use problem, could also be conducted in the future.
文章引用:谢锐钦 (2018). 从基因 × 环境视角探讨物质使用问题形成. 心理学进展, 8(11), 1734-1742. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2018.811202


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