The Mediating Role of Self-Esteem between Self-Name Liking and Social Desirability
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2018.811198, PDF, 下载: 1,115  浏览: 1,576  科研立项经费支持
作者: 王 芳:怀化学院,湖南 怀化
关键词: 自我名字喜好度社会赞许性自尊中介作用Self-Name Liking Social Desirability Self-Esteem Mediating Role
摘要: 研究采用社会赞许性量表、自尊量表和名字喜好度问卷对446名大学生(平均年龄为19.22岁,SD = 1.08)进行测试,探讨自我名字喜好度与社会赞许性的关系,并分析自尊在自我名字喜好度与社会赞许性间的中介作用,阶层回归分析表明:在控制人口学变量后,自我名字喜好度对社会赞许性具有正向预测作用;自尊在自我名字喜好度与社会赞许性之间起部分中介作用。偏差校正Bootstrap法检验发现间接效应95%的置信区间不包括0 (P < 0.05)。这说明自我名字喜好度不仅能直接预测社会赞许性,还可以通过自尊的中介作用间接影响社会赞许性。
Abstract: Among the 446 college students (Average age is 19.22 years, SD = 1.08), the paper uses the self-name liking scale, the self-esteem scale and Marlowe-Crowne social desirability scale to ex-plore the mediating role of self-esteem between self-name liking and social desirability. Hierar-chical regression analysis showed that: after controlling for demographic variables, self-name liking has a positive predicting effect on social desirability; self-esteem has a partial mediator between self-name liking and social desirability. Bootstrapping method finds that the 95% confidence interval of direct effect and indirect effect both did not include zero (P < 0.05). This shows that self-name liking not only directly predicts social desirability, but also indirectly influences social desirability through self-esteem.
文章引用:王芳 (2018). 自尊在自我名字喜好度与社会赞许性间的中介作用. 心理学进展, 8(11), 1707-1714. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2018.811198


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