A Study on Academic Integrity among University Students
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2018.811196, PDF, 下载: 1,017  浏览: 3,661 
作者: 姜丽娜, 王云燕:杭州电子科技大学人文与法学院,浙江 杭州
关键词: 大学生学术诚信对策University Students Academic Integrity Countermeasure
摘要: 本文以在校大学生为被试,采用问卷调查的方式,对大学生学术诚信问题进行了探讨。调研的结果显示大学生对学术诚信的认识不足;在大学校园内作业、论文抄袭是较为普遍的学术诚信行为;大学生普遍认为社会风气不好是造成目前大学生学术诚信缺失的最主要的原因。本文针对调查问题的结论,从认识、规范和教育等方面提出了防范大学生学术诚信缺失的对策。
Abstract: Taking the undergraduates as subjects, this article discussed the academic integrity among uni-versity students. The results showed that copy is the most general problem about academic inte-grity, and university students’ insufficient understanding about academic integrity, they all be-lieve the bad social atmosphere is the primary cause of academic integrity. Finally, we propose some advises to prevent academic integrity.
文章引用:姜丽娜, 王云燕 (2018). 大学生学术诚信的实证研究. 心理学进展, 8(11), 1694-1700. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2018.811196


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