Is the ANITA Anomaly Events the Result of Neutrinos Focusing on It?
DOI: 10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2018.31012, PDF, 下载: 848  浏览: 2,547 
作者: 张国文*:武汉市洪山区人民政府办公室,湖北,武汉
关键词: 中微子高能中微子地核透镜中微子聚焦ANITANeutrinosHigh-energy neutrinosNeutrinos focusingEarth's core lensANITA
摘要: 南极脉冲瞬态天线(ANITA)两次探测到能量高达的粒子,它是来自宇宙并穿过地球后被ANITA捕捉到的,标准模型(SM)无法解释这种高能粒子的存在。在这里,我们利用中微子的波粒二象性和光学理论,研究了中微子在穿越地核时的能量损失及动量(速率)变化可能发生折射和聚焦的问题,对ANITA探测到的异常高能事件作出了解释。我们表明,地球铁核可能使中微子折射并聚焦到南极冰盖,形成高能量的中微子束,与冰盖发生作用,产生电磁辐射。计算表明,当入射地核的中微子与地核物质作用、其能量损失64.57%、折射率约为1.68时,中微子能够聚焦于南极冰盖,聚焦的中微子总能量可达,结果与ANITA异常事件能量相当。
Abstract: The Antarctic Impulse Transient Antenna (ANITA) has twice detected particles of up to in energy, which were captured by ANITA after coming from the universe and passing through the earth. The standard model (SM) cannot explain the existence of such high-energy particles.In this paper, based on the theory of wave-particle duality and optics of neutrinos,we study the energy loss and momentum (rate) changes of solar neutrinos passing through the earth's core, and analyzethe problems of refraction and focus caused by momentum changes, explain the unusually high energy events that ANITA detects.We show that the iron core of the earth may cause neutrinos to refract and focus on the Antarctic ice sheet, forming a high-energy beam of neutrinos that interact with the ice sheet, producing electromagnetic radiation.Our calculations show that neutrinos entering the core of the earth can focus on the Antarctic ice sheet when they interact with atoms in the core, with an energy loss of 64.57% and a refractive index of about 1.68,the focused neutrinos can reach a total energy of , and the result is equivalent to the energy of ANITA anomalous events.
文章引用:张国文. ANITA异常事件是中微子聚焦的结果吗?[J]. 汉斯预印本, 2018, 3(1): 1-8.


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