An Empirical Study on Personal Space of College Students
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2018.89164, PDF, 下载: 981  浏览: 2,300 
作者: 章益磊:上海师范大学,上海
关键词: 大学生自尊个人空间圈个人空间距离College Students Self Esteem Personal Space Personal Space Distance
摘要: 为了探讨大学生的自尊、性别以及靠近者的靠近方向对个人空间圈的影响。本研究采用2 (性别:男、女) × 2 (自尊水平:高自尊、低自尊) × 4 (方向:正前、正后、正左、正右)的三因素混合实验设计,重点研究了虚拟空间中的人与人之间的距离,并对虚拟空间中的个人空间圈进行了研究。结果表明,大学生个人空间距离不存在显著的性别差异;自尊的主效应显著;靠近方向主效应显著;靠近方向与自尊的交互作用显著。结论:对大学生群体,他人从左方靠近的个人空间距离显著大于从其他三个方向接近。当他人从不同方向靠近时,高自尊者的个人空间距离显著低于低自尊者;另外,对于高自尊者,从左方靠近的个人空间距离显著大于从其他三个方向靠近;对于低自尊者,从不同方向靠近并无显著差异。
Abstract: The mixed experimental design of 2 (gender: male, Female) × 2 (self-esteem level: high self-esteem, low self-esteem) × 4 (direction: positive forward, positive back, positive left, positive right) were used to explore the college students’ personal distance in the virtual space. The results show that gender difference is insignificant; the main effect of self-esteem and approach direction was significant. The interaction between approach direction and self-esteem was significant. Conclusion: for college students, the distance of personal space of others from the left is significantly higher than that from the other three directions. When the others were close from different directions, the personal space distance of the high self-esteem people was significantly lower than that of the low self-esteem people. In addition, for high self-esteem individuals, the space distance from the left was significantly greater than that from the other three directions. For low self-esteem, there was no significant difference in the direction of approach.
文章引用:章益磊 (2018). 大学生个人空间圈实验研究. 心理学进展, 8(9), 1408-1414. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2018.89164


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