The Harder You Work, the Happier You Are: Towner’s Achievement Motivation Can Predict Their Well-Being
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2018.89163, PDF, 下载: 992  浏览: 1,369 
作者: 郑湘陵:湖南师范大学教育科学学院心理学系,湖南 长沙
关键词: 成就动机幸福感Achievement Motivation Well-Being
摘要: 本研究旨在探究城镇居民成就动机与幸福感之间的关系。采用成就动机量表(AMS)和综合幸福感问卷(MHQ),对湖南省沅陵县官庄镇年满18岁的居民进行方便取样调查,运用SPSS软件进行数据统计。研究结果发现,1) 城镇居民的成就动机在不同性别上有显著差异;2) 城镇居民的幸福感在不同年龄阶段有显著差异;3) 成就动机与幸福感显著正相关;4) 城镇居民成就动机可以显著预测幸福感。
Abstract: This paper is aimed to explore the relationship of the town residents’ achievement motivation and well-being, to measure the residents who are over 18 of the Yuanling County in Hunan province with achievement motive scale (AMS) and general well-being questionnaire (MHQ), then use SPSS software to analyze the data. The result indicated that: 1) achievement motivation of the town residents had significant differences in gender; 2) the well-being of the residents in different age stages had significant differences; 3) achievement motivation and well-being had significantly positive correlation; 4) the well-being of town residents can be predicted by their achievement motivation significantly.
文章引用:郑湘陵 (2018). 越努力越幸运:城镇居民成就动机预测幸福感. 心理学进展, 8(9), 1396-1407. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2018.89163


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