The Application of the Technology of Remaining the Roadway along the Goaf in Buzhe Coal Mine
DOI: 10.12677/ME.2018.63021, PDF, 下载: 939  浏览: 1,757 
作者: 黄 文*:贵州省黔西南州普安县安监局,贵州 兴义;罗永华:贵州省普安县久丰集团有限公司,贵州 兴义
关键词: 沿空留巷煤炭资源矿压支护Remaining the Roadway along the Goaf Coal Resources Ground Pressure Support
摘要: 补者煤矿沿空留巷技术成功在生产实践中的运用,取代了煤矿中传统的留煤柱护巷方法,可以提高煤炭资源回收率,降低巷道掘进率、保证矿井采掘平衡。此项技术通过对沿空留巷矿压进行观察,采取临时支护避开回采过程中巷道支承压力,待巷道承载能力与支承压力达到平衡后把伪顶挑落,采用锚杆+锚索+金属网+ W钢带形成永远支护。
Abstract: The technology of remaining the roadway along the goaf in Buzhe coal mine has been successfully applied in the production practice, replacing the traditional method of retaining pillar in the coal mine, improving the recovery rate of coal resources, reducing the rate of roadway tunneling and ensuring the balance of mining. This technology is based on the ground pressure observation, taking temporary support to avoid the pressure in the mining process. Caving the false roof after the abutment pressure for roadway supporting capacity and bearing pressure is balanced, the “cable + anchor+ metal net + W steel belt” form can be a permanent support.
文章引用:黄文, 罗永华. 补者煤矿沿空留巷技术的运用[J]. 矿山工程, 2018, 6(3): 156-160. https://doi.org/10.12677/ME.2018.63021


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