The Method of the Science of Action of Studying Instability and Equilibrium
DOI: 10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2018.31002, PDF, 下载: 1,237  浏览: 3,826 
作者: 王昌益*:中国山东蓬莱市国土资源局,山东 蓬莱
关键词: 失稳平衡度量作用学方法instability; balance; measure; method of Action Science
摘要: 当前国内外应用的平衡理论主要是受力平衡理论和力矩平衡理论。力学平衡理论存在缺陷:不能度量平衡或失稳现象。力学仅仅能够描述平衡或失稳现象,不能对之进行度量。20世纪80年代,在我国产生了作用学。作用学为建立正确的平衡理论奠定了基础。本文着重阐述研究失衡、平衡现象的作用学方法。
Abstract: The theory applied at home and abroad is mainly the force balance theory and the moment balance theory. The theory of mechanical equilibrium is flawed: it cannot measure equilibrium or instability. Mechanics can only describe equilibrium or instability, and cannot be measured. In the 1980s, there was a Science Of Action in China. It lays the foundation for establishing the correct balance theory. This paper focuses on the study the method of Action Science of unbalanced and balanced phenomena.
文章引用:王昌益. 研究失稳、平衡现象的作用学方法[J]. 汉斯预印本, 2018, 3(1): 1-14. https://doi.org/10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2018.31002


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