Application of a BODIPY-Based Fluorescent Anions Sensor for Experimental Teaching
DOI: 10.12677/AAC.2017.74033, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,766  浏览: 3,241  科研立项经费支持
作者: 段亚华, 张兆鑫, 白娜娜, 王伟星, 李 欠:甘肃农业大学农学院,中草药栽培与鉴定系/中药材研究所,植物生产类国家实验教学示范中心, 甘肃 兰州
关键词: 荧光探针阴离子识别紫外–可见吸收光谱荧光发射光谱Fluorescent Sensor Anion Recognition UV-Visible Absorption Spectroscopy Fluorescent Emission Spectroscopy
摘要: 设计合成了含有酚羟基的氟硼荧类荧光探针分子1,利用紫外–可见吸收光谱和荧光发射光谱研究了探针分子1的阴离子识别和光化学传感性能。研究结果表明,该探针分子可以通过紫外–可见吸收光谱和荧光发射光谱双通道识别检测氟离子。该探针分子是一类“开–关”型阴离子荧光探针,作用方式为探针分子酚羟基与阴离子之间的氢键作用。通过本实验不但可以让学生掌握紫外–可见吸收光谱和荧光发射光谱仪的使用方法,还能培养学生在分子识别与光化学传感领域的科研兴趣,为进一步的科研工作打下基础。
Abstract: A BODIPY-based fluorescent sensor 1 has been developed and their recognition and sensing abili-ties with various anions have been studied in solution by absorption and emission spectroscopy. Sensor 1 showed selective response toward fluoride anions through hydrogen bonding interaction with ON-OFF fluorescent behaviors. Through this experiment, it allows students not only mastering how to operate the UV-visible absorption and fluorescence emission spectrophotometers, but also cultivating the research interest in the field of molecular recognition and photochemical sensing.
文章引用:段亚华, 张兆鑫, 白娜娜, 王伟星, 李欠. 氟硼荧类阴离子探针的实验教学应用研究[J]. 分析化学进展, 2017, 7(4): 249-256. https://doi.org/10.12677/AAC.2017.74033


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