Design of Remote Monitoring System for Automatic Surface Vehicle
DOI: 10.12677/CSA.2017.711126, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,607  浏览: 3,200 
作者: 王孟法*, 王 涛:北京康布尔石油发展技术有限公司,北京
关键词: 自治水面机器人远程监控PLC无中心无线电通讯系统基站远程站ASV Remote Control PLC Centerless Radio Communication System Base Station Remote Station
摘要: 随着海洋环境保护的重要性日益增加和对海洋资源需求的不断增大,对近海水域环境的监测、保护和利用的需求也越来越迫切,研制一种既能够像大型监测船一样进行巡航监测,又能够进入大型监测船无法到达的水域完成特定的海洋环境监测任务的小型低成本的自治水面机器人成为摆在我国海洋装备界面前的课题之一;同时由于无线网络通信技术和移动机器人远程监控相关理论的发展,基于无线网络通信的移动机器人远程监控技术成为一个热门的研究和应用领域;因此,本文结合实验设备和环境,从提高远程监控系统的实时性出发构建了一个基于无中心无线电通信系统的自治水面机器人远程监控系统。
Abstract: Along with the ever-increasing importance of marine environmental protection and the demand for marine resources, there has been a pressing demand for monitoring, protection and use of environment in offshore waters. As a result, the development of low-cost small ASVs which can not only cruise and monitor as large monitoring ships do but also enter waters which are unreachable for large monitoring ships so as to conduct special marine environmental monitoring has become one of the focuses of China’s marine equipment circle. Meanwhile, with the development of theories involving wireless communication technology and mobile vehicle remote control, mobile vehicle remote control technology based on wireless communication has become a popular research and application field. Therefore, this paper combines experimental equipment and environment and, from the improvement of real-time ability of remote control system, builds an ASV remote control system on the basis of centerless radio communication system.
文章引用:王孟法, 王涛. 自治水上机器人远程监控系统设计[J]. 计算机科学与应用, 2017, 7(11): 1118-1124. https://doi.org/10.12677/CSA.2017.711126


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