The Faithful Heart Lights up the Path of Credit Construction—An Empirical Analysis Based on the Personal Credit Investigation in Jiangsu
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.711169, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,365  浏览: 1,647  国家科技经费支持
作者: 汪宇翔, 曹文雯, 吴继霞:苏州大学教育学院,江苏 苏州
关键词: 信用信用品质信用建设信用教育Credit Credit Consciousness Credit Construction Credit Education
摘要: 民众的信用品质对个人信用建设而言意义非凡,了解社会个人信用度的整体状况,并推进个人信用品质培育,是信用建设的重点。本研究对2100名江苏省居民进行问卷调查并得出结论:1) 女性比男性更讲信用;2) 信用度随着年龄的增长而提高,年长者更讲信用;3) 机关事业单位员工的信用较好,而个体工商户的信用相对落后;4) 无贷款或贷款经历的人比有贷款或贷款经历的人更讲信用;5) 不同受教育程度的民众的信用度之间没有差异。上述发现可以为信用教育提供方向,有的放矢,从而提高民众整体信用度,在全社会范围内形成求信之风。
Abstract: Personal credit is important for credit construction. To understand the overall situation of social credit, and advance individual credit quality cultivation, is the focus of the construction of credit. This study on the questionnaire survey was conducted among 2100 residents in Jiangsu province, coming to the conclusion: 1) women are more creditworthy than men; 2) Credit increases with age, and older people are more creditworthy; 3) the credit of employees of administrative departments and institutions is better, and individual industrial and commercial households credit relatively backward; 4) People who have no loan or loan experience are more creditworthy than those who have; 5) the different level of education of people has no difference between credibility (see article). These findings can provide direction for credit education, targeted, so as to improve the overall public credibility, to form an atmosphere emphasizing credit in the whole society.
文章引用:汪宇翔, 曹文雯, 吴继霞 (2017). 守信之心点亮信用建设之路—基于江苏个人信用度调查的实证分析. 心理学进展, 7(11), 1361-1370. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.711169


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