Theory of Mind in Bipolar Disorder
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.711164, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,887  浏览: 5,236 
作者: 曾 晶:深圳大学,广东 深圳;刘铁榜:深圳市康宁医院,广东 深圳
关键词: 双相障碍心理理论内表型神经认知功能社会功能Bipolar Disorder Theory of Mind Endophenotype Neurocognitive Social Function
摘要: 对双相障碍的心理理论损害是否为内表型的探讨有利于寻找病因及适当的治疗方法。文章在简要梳理相关定义、研究范式和有关理论的基础上,重点介绍了双相障碍心理理论的研究现状和相关影响因素。目前研究表明双相障碍发作期患者存在心理理论的损害,随后从疾病进程和家系研究两方面探讨其作为内表型的可能性,并探究神经认知功能、社会功能和心理理论的关系。未来研究需提高心理理论任务效度,进行首发、超高危人群和纵向研究,探究其神经解剖机制,从干预和治疗的角度出发拓宽研究领域。
Abstract: The study of theory of mind in bipolar disorder is helpful to find the cause and appropriate treatment. On the basis of introducing the relevant definition, research paradigm and theories, we aim to review the theory of mind in BD and its relevant factors. Currently research shows that the deficits in theory of mind exit in acute patients with BD. Then, we explored the possibility of theory of mind as a potential candidate endophenotype for BD from the disease process and first degree relative research, and the relationship among neurocognitive function, social function and theory of mind. The future research should improve the validity of paradigm, and there is a need for first-episode studies and longitudinal studies comparing the developmental course of ToM and other social cognition abilities in individuals at risk for BP, and also needs to widen research fields from the views of intervening and curing.
文章引用:曾晶, 刘铁榜 (2017). 双相障碍的心理理论研究. 心理学进展, 7(11), 1319-1328. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.711164


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