Prevention Research of Bird Collided with the Plane at the Airport Based on the Ecological System
DOI: 10.12677/SSEM.2017.66027, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,491  浏览: 3,602  科研立项经费支持
作者: 赵媛*:郑州市新郑国际机场管理有限公司场道管理部,河南 郑州
关键词: 生态系统机场鸟撞防治Ecosystems Airport Bird Collided with the Plane Prevention
摘要: 机场吸引鸟类的原因是为鸟类生存提供了食物、栖息地,基于生态系统从控制食源、水源、栖息地3个方面提出机场鸟撞的防治措施。合理保持机场内的草高度和形态,降低植物对鸟类的吸引,控制鸟类植物食源;降低各种虫类的繁殖和地面显露,尽量降低对鸟类觅食的吸引力。管理好机场排水沟,避免草坪积水现象,控制鸟类水源。机场周边不种植易筑巢的高大树木,加强机场周围建筑物鸟类筑巢的检查,减少鸟类栖息地。通过改变机场内外吸引鸟类的环境,从而降低机场周边鸟类数量,降低鸟撞对机场的危害。
Abstract: Airport attracts birds because of providing food and habitat for them to survive. Based on the ecological system, from three aspects of controlling source of food, water and habitat, the airport bird control measures are put forward: maintaining a reasonable airport grass height and form, reducing the attraction of plant to birds, and controlling the food source; reducing the breeding of all kinds of insects and ground exposed, to reduce the attraction for birds foraging. Moreover, airport drains should be managed, to avoid the phenomenon of lawn water, and control the water source for birds. Around the airport, tall trees easy for nesting are not suggested, and the inspection of nest around the airport building should be strengthened, for reducing the bird habitat. Changing the environment attracting birds inside and outside the airport can reduce the number of birds around airports, and reduce the bird strike to the airport.
文章引用:赵媛. 基于生态系统的机场鸟撞防治研究[J]. 服务科学和管理, 2017, 6(6): 204-208. https://doi.org/10.12677/SSEM.2017.66027


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