Study on the Occupation Pressureand Intervention Techniques of Grassroots Police in Shangshui County as an Example
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作者: 王 姗:郑州大学教育学院,河南 郑州
关键词: 基层民警职业压力干预技术商水县Grassroots Police Occupational Stress Intervention Technology Shangshui County
摘要: 警察是公务员队伍中的特殊职业,随着一系列社会问题的突出,譬如:社会矛盾化激增、社会治安混乱、社会老龄化加剧等,这些问题迫切需要社会基层民警的力量,基层民警面对日益繁重的工作任务,心理健康问题也日益突出,职业压力日渐增大,不利于个人的身心健康发展,同时也严重影响了组织和社会的稳定和有效持续的前进。基于此,本文在总结以往国内外研究文献的基础上,以商水县的基层民警为例,采用文献法、访谈法进行调查,着重研究地方基层民警面临的职业压力问题、职业压力的产生来源并分析产生职业压力的内外部因素,以及如何做好其职业压力的干预机制,对于基层民警的职业压力应对和心理健康建设具有重要意义,有利于构建和谐健康的基层民警队伍,以达到构建和谐社会、实现国家社会安全的目的。
Abstract: The police are the special occupation in the civil service. With a range of social problems out-standing, such as: the rapid increase of social contradictions, the confusion of social security and the intensification of social aging, these problems urgently need the power of grassroots police. Grassroots police face increasingly heavy work tasks, and their mental health problems are also increasingly prominent; increasing professional pressure is not conducive to the development of physical and mental health of individuals. At the same time, it has seriously affected the stability and sustained progress of the organization and society. On the basis of summarizing the research literature at home and abroad, this paper takes the grassroots police of Shangshui County as an example, adopts literature method and interview method to conduct an investigation, focusing on occupational stress problems faced by local grassroots police, the source of occupational stress and how to do the intervention mechanism to release their occupational stress. It has an important meaning for grassroots police to deal with occupational stress and build mental health. It is conducive to building a harmonious and healthy grassroots police team, to achieve the purpose of building a harmonious society and realize national social security.
文章引用:王姗. 基层民警的职业压力及干预技术研究——以商水县为例[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(11): 1453-1460. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.611204


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