The “Moral Polarized Effect of the Rich” in a Group Psychological Compatibility between the Rich and the Poor
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.711160, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,708  浏览: 3,085  科研立项经费支持
作者: 杨金花:北京联合大学师范学院心理学系,北京;北京师范大学心理学院,北京;金盛华:北京师范大学心理学院,北京;曾美英, 吴 南, 徐 华:北京联合大学师范学院心理学系,北京
关键词: 贫富群体心理融合中国传统的财富观道德极化The Poor and the Rich Psychological Compatibility Chinese Traditional Wealth View Moral Polarization
摘要: 以中国传统的财富观为基础,从社会群体融合的视角出发,采用实验法,探讨道德与贫富身份在贫富群体心理融合中的作用。方法:有643名和310名社会人士先后参加了两个系列实验,两个实验分别操作了一般情境下和贫富冲突情景下主人公的贫富身份与道德水平,考察被试对不同贫富身份主人公的心理融合。结果:贫富群体心理融合中,贫富身份和道德的主效应显著,道德的贡献度更大,道德与贫富身份交互影响人们对贫富群体的心理融合,在高道德条件下,人们对富人的心理融合高于穷人,而在低道德条件下,人们对富人的心理融合低于穷人,即出现了“富人道德极化”现象。
Abstract: Based on Chinese Traditional Wealth View, starting from the perspective of social groups’ compatibility, this study used experimental method to explore how the morality and the poor-or-rich status influence the rich-poor psychological compatibility. Method: In 2 experiments, the researcher manipulated the poor-or-rich status and the moral level in non-conflict and conflict situation. 643 and 310 subjects respectively participated two experiments. Results: the major effects of morality and the poor-or-rich status are significant in poor or rich psychological compatibility, and the effect size of morality is the biggest. Moreover, morality and the poor-or-rich status interactively affect the rich-poor psychological compatibility. More specifically, people has higher compatibility to rich than to poor in high moral situation, but lower compatibility to rich than to poor in low moral situation. That is “moral polarized effect of the rich”.
文章引用:杨金花, 金盛华, 曾美英, 吴南, 徐华 (2017). 贫富群体心理融合中的“富人道德极化”现象. 心理学进展, 7(11), 1284-1298. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.711160


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