Teacher Training Research of Private Colleges and Universities Based on the Vocational Ability View—Take Chongqing Institute of Humanities and Technology for Example
DOI: 10.12677/AE.2017.76068, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,395  浏览: 1,865  科研立项经费支持
作者: 亢磊磊*, 江 岚, 张雨航, 左 鑫:重庆人文科技学院,工商学院,重庆
关键词: 民办高校教师培养职业能力建设Private College and Universities Teacher Training Vocational Ability Construction
摘要: 基于民办高校的长期健康可持续发展的需求,师资培养任重而道远。当前民办高校教师职业能力方面存在教学理念认识不到位、教学方式单一、实践经验缺乏、科研能力不足、缺乏职业规划和自我发展能力等问题。为了民办高校教师队伍长期健康有序的发展,本文通过对民办高校存在的问题进行分析进而提出了提升民办高校教师发展的职业能力教育理念、加强内部环境和外部环境的建设等方法以提高民办高校教师职业能力,从而完善民办高校师资队伍建设,提高教育教学质量。
Abstract: Based on the demand of the sustainable development of the long-term health of the Private colleges, Teacher training has a long way to go. Now, the vocational ability of teachers in private colleges has these problems: the lack of understanding of teaching philosophy, the teaching method single, the lack of practical experience, the inadequate scientific research, the lack of career planning and self-development. For the long-term and healthy development of the teaching staff of the private colleges, this article analyzes the existing problems and puts forward the education concept of improving the development of private university teachers. Strengthen the construction of internal environment and external environment to improve the cultivation of teachers’ vocational ability in private colleges. Therefore, we will improve the construction of teaching staff in the private colleges to improve the teaching quality of education.
文章引用:亢磊磊, 江岚, 张雨航, 左鑫. 基于职业能力视角民办高校教师培养研究—以重庆人文科技学院为例[J]. 教育进展, 2017, 7(6): 432-437. https://doi.org/10.12677/AE.2017.76068


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