The Basic Psychological Needs: Concept, Structure and Theoretical Basis
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.711158, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 2,355  浏览: 8,050 
作者: 库慧, 史慧颖:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 基本心理需要结构理论基础Basic Psychological Needs Structure Theoretical Basis
摘要: 基本心理需要在国内外的研究由来已久,目前基本心理需要的研究遍及不同人群不同领域。但是需要的研究仍存在不足,在概念界定、需要结构、理论基础及研究现状几个方面系统地对国内外基本心理需要的观点和研究进行阐述之后,发现其中存在涵义不清、内部结构混乱以及测量单一等问题。因此从系统性、追踪性以及应用性等方面提出研究的反思与展望。
Abstract: The basic psychological needs have been studied for a long time in China and abroad. At present, the research of basic psychological needs covers different groups and different fields. However, the related research is still insufficient. After systematical exploring and discussion of basic psy-chological needs in the concept definition, the structure, the theoretical basis and the research status, it is found that there are some problems such as unclear meaning, internal structure confusion and single measurement. Therefore, this research puts forward the introspection and prospect from the aspects of systematicness, traceability and application.
文章引用:库慧, 史慧颖 (2017). 基本心理需要:概念、结构及理论基础. 心理学进展, 7(11), 1269-1276.


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