The Theory of Higher Dimensional Linear Partitions and Its Application—Note on Ramsey Number R(5,5;2)=47
DOI: 10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2017.21034, PDF, 下载: 1,412  浏览: 3,150 
作者: 郭铭浩:上海交通大学生物医学工程学院,上海,中国;郭志成:北方设计研究院,石家庄,中国
关键词: 二元分拆立方体分拆线性分拆广义哥德尔数Binary partitions; solid partitions; linear partitions; general GÖdel numbers
摘要: Euler通过展开一元表达式(1+xα z)(1+xβ z)(1+xγ z)⋯的研究,创立了数的分拆这个数学分支。本文推广表达式到二元形式(1+xa yα z)(1+xb yβ z)(1+xc yγ z)⋯,并建立了相应的二元分拆的递推规则,由此得到了许多有趣的性质,特别是建立了圆周率 π/4的莱布尼茨公式和圆周率 π2/6的欧拉公式与二元分拆函数的联系。二元分拆本质上属于立方体分拆或双二元函数分拆,同时它也是哥德尔数推广到哥德尔数组的一种表达形式。事实上, 二元分拆理论也为求解拉姆塞数R(5,5;2)=47找到了一种新方法。
Abstract: Leonhard Euler established a new mathematical branch: partition, from his study on generating functions: (1+xα z)(1+xβ z)(1+xγ z)⋯. In this work, we propose several new recurrence relations from dual-binary function of solid partitions and General Gödel numbers, based on observations of (1+xa yα z)(1+xb yβ z)(1+xc yγ z)⋯ inspired by Euler’s work. Furthermore connections are derived from this, especially of Leibniz formula for π/4 and Euler formula for π2/6 , from binary pertition formulas. Binary partition is an implementation of cubic partition or dual-binary partitions, which is as well as a expression from Gödel numbers to Gödel numbers array. Actually, we present a new sense to get Ramsey number R(5, 5; 2) = 47 in this paper.
文章引用:郭铭浩, 郭志成. 高维线性分拆理论及其应用——Ramsey数R(5,5;2)=47的注记[J]. 汉斯预印本, 2017, 2(1): 1-42. https://doi.org/10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2017.21034


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