A Study of the Spatial Pattern and Factor Analysis of Tourists in Shanxi Province Based on Geographical Marker Photos
DOI: 10.12677/GSER.2017.64025, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,795  浏览: 7,582 
作者: 芦学良:山西师范大学地理科学学院,山西 临汾
关键词: 山西省空间格局特征地理标记照片Shanxi Province Spatial Distribution Features Geotagging
摘要: 本文立足于旅游地理学的基本理论,利用flickr图片分享网站与去哪网、马蜂窝、携程网站中共享的含地理位置的照片信息和信息文本,结合百度地图拾取系统作为数据源,采集了2008年至2017年中2000张照片中筛选的403张照片。并运用GIS10.3中空间分析法作为主要方法进行可视化表达。绘制了山西省游客空间分布的相关图件,分析表明山西省游客的空间分布格局呈现三个明显特征:第一,山西省游客主要集聚在山西中部北部,空间形态上呈现集中于太行山、吕梁山之间的纵贯全山西省中部的盆地地区。东、中、西三大纵列地形带,游客分布表现出明显的空间差异。第二,呈现沿交通线与知名景区的重叠区域是游客分布的重心区。第三,山西省游客空间过度集中于太原市、大同市、忻州市、晋中市为依托的周边地区,并刨析影响游客分布格局的因素。研究结果还表明临汾市、运城市不是游客空间分布重心,并分析导致该布局的原因提出对应旅游营销策略解决这一问题,对整体上完善山西旅游产业转型升级有一定参考意义。
Abstract: This paper uses Flickr pictures and text message which has shared from the where to go, the hor-net’s nest, CTRIP and Mafengwo Website. Combining Baidu maps pickup system as a data source, 403 photos of 2000 photos screened from 2008 to 2017 were collected and used GIS10.3 in the spatial analysis method as the main method for visual expression. The spatial distribution pattern of tourists in Shanxi province was summarized. First, the overall pattern of Shanxi province is the main tourist gathering in north central Shanxi, space form has concentrated between in Taihang mountain and the central region of the province of Lvliang mountain basin. There are significant spatial differences in East, Middle and West three vertical terrain belts. Second, the overlapping area along the traffic line and the famous scenic area is the center of distribution of tourists. Third, the spatial distribution of tourists in Shanxi province too concentrated in the Taiyuan, Datong, Xinzhou and Jinzhong. Research demonstrates that Linfen City and Yuncheng City are not popular tourist destination among all cities. Analyzing the factors affecting tourists’ distribution, corre-sponding reasons and marketing strategies to solve this problem also is instrumental in the transformation and upgrading of the tourism of Shanxi province as a whole.
文章引用:芦学良. 基于地理标记照片的山西省游客空间格局及因素分析[J]. 地理科学研究, 2017, 6(4): 223-229. https://doi.org/10.12677/GSER.2017.64025


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