The Research of “School-Enterprise Joint” Driving Informatization Innovation Application-Oriented Personnel Training Mechanism—Taking the Example of Education Demonstration Base of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Wuhan University Information Management College
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.610186, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,636  浏览: 5,816 
作者: 张潘磊, 刘政昊, 郭可欣:武汉大学信息管理学院,湖北 武汉
关键词: 创新应用型校企联合信息人才Innovative Applied School-Enterprise Joint Information Talents
摘要: 随着信息时代的到来,高新技术产业及信息服务业的发展成果向生产力的迅速转化已成为提高综合国力的关键。另一方面,在我国高等教育由精英化进入大众化的历史进程中,创新应用型教育理念也应运而生。创新应用型教育的突出特点是为行业企业和地方培养急需的高级人才,主动为行业企业和地方经济建设和社会发展服务,并在行业性和地方化发展宏图中发挥优势、彰显特色。基于此,校企互利双赢的合作是培养创新应用型本科人才的有效途径,符合综合应用创新型高等教育的内涵要求。而武汉大学信息管理学院一直秉承“校企联合”理念,于2017年5月20日正式成立创新创业教育示范基地并先后深入北上广深等大城市的现代化企业进行实地调研,并对于“校企联合”驱动信息化创新应用人才培养机制有了初步研究成果。
Abstract: With the arrival of the information period, the rapid transformation of high-tech industry and information service industry to productivity has become the key to improve comprehensive national strength. On the other hand, in the historical process of China’s higher education being popularized by elitism, the concept of innovative application education also emerged. The outstanding characteristic of innovation applied education is the urgent need for industries and local senior talent, and we will take the initiative to build a harmonious social development service for industry enterprises and local economy, and play an important and distinctive role in the development of industry and localization. Based on this, the mutual benefit and win-win cooperation is an effective way to cultivate innovative application-oriented undergraduate talents, which meets the connotation requirements of the comprehensive application of innovative high education. And the school of information management in Wuhan University has been adhering to the concept of “the union of college and enterprise”. On May 20 in 2017, the school was formally established the education demonstration base of innovation and entrepreneurship, and did field research successively into modern enterprise in big cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. And there was some preliminary study results in Information innovative practical personnel training mechanism driven by “the union”.
文章引用:张潘磊, 刘政昊, 郭可欣. “校企联合”驱动信息化创新应用型人才培养机制的研究—以武汉大学信息管理学院创新创业教育示范基地为例[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(10): 1323-1333. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.610186


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