Variation Characteristics of Macrobenthic Communities in the Intertidal Zone of Dajing, Southern Xiamen Bay
DOI: 10.12677/AMS.2017.43015, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 1,493  浏览: 3,670  科研立项经费支持
作者: 李雨晴, 刘 密, 金 亮, 刘 丹:厦门大学嘉庚学院,福建 漳州
关键词: 厦门湾南岸大型底栖动物群落次级生产力潮间带South Xiamen Bay Macrobenthos Community Secondary Productivity Intertidal Zone
摘要: 2013年4月至12月,对位于厦门湾南岸的大径潮间带进行大型底栖动物数量分布、类群组成以及次级生产力的季节变化研究。结果表明:该潮间带共有大型底栖动物44种,其中甲壳动物10种,软体动物23种,环节动物6种,腔肠动物、昆虫幼虫、鱼类、纽形动物和星虫各1种。厦门湾南岸大径潮间带大型底栖动物年平均个体密度(N)、生物量(B)、次级生产力(P)和P/B值分别为512 ind∙m−2、548.029 g∙m−2、325.14 g∙m−2∙a−1和1.46。厦门湾南岸大径潮间带大型底栖动物的多样性指数(H′)、均匀性指数(J)和丰度指数(d)的全年均值分别为1.637、0.812和2.136;H′、J和d都是夏季最高,而大型底栖动物的次级生产力最高值则出现在冬季。小翼拟蟹守螺、短拟招螺和牡蛎这3个物种对次级生产力的贡献最高。人类活动尤其是“双鱼岛”建设和滩涂养殖对厦门湾南岸潮间带的大型底栖动物群落有明显影响。
Abstract: In intertidal zones along South Xiamen Bay, 44 macrobenthos were collected, including 10 Crus-tacea, 23 Mollusk, 6 Annelida, 1 coelenterate, insect larvae, fish, nemertinean and sipuncula. The annual mean values of Shannon-Weiner diversity index, Margalef index and Pielou index were 1.637, 0.812 and 2.136, respectively. The mean values of density, biomass, productivity and P/B were 512 ind∙m−2, 548.029 g∙m−2, 325.14 g∙m−2∙a−1 and 1.46. The mean values of Shannon-Weiner diversity index, Margalef index and Pielou index were highest in winter. The highest value of sec-ondary productivity of macrobenthos appeared in winter. Cerithidea microptera, Assiminea brevicula and Ostreidae made a significant contribution to secondary productivity. The human ac-tivities including the construction of Shuangyu island and tidal-flat aquaculture were the main factors affecting the macrobenthic community.
文章引用:李雨晴, 刘密, 金亮, 刘丹. 厦门湾南岸大径潮间带大型底栖动物群落特征[J]. 海洋科学前沿, 2017, 4(3): 102-110. https://doi.org/10.12677/AMS.2017.43015


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