Urban Geography Research Progress and Trends Analysis Based on National Natural Science Foundation of China
DOI: 10.12677/GSER.2017.64024, PDF, 下载: 1,833  浏览: 3,666  科研立项经费支持
作者: 郑 芳, 侯 迎, 程仕瀚:宁夏大学资源环境学院,宁夏 银川
关键词: 国家自然科学基金城市地理学研究进展研究趋势National Natural Science Foundation of China Urban Geography Research Progress Research Trends
摘要: 论文基于近五年资助的247项城市地理主题的国家自然科学基金项目,在分析项目构成、研究对象(尺度)、研究要素、研究主题(核心主题)、研究视角、理论与方法及学科构成基础上,得出了初步结论;项目主要集中在青年项目和面上项目,地区项目较少,优秀青年项目及重点项目的资助空间较大。当前研究中尚存在可实现突破的领域,包括:1) 研究尺度可侧重于微观尺度的研究,实现微观、宏观相结合;2) 关注特殊群体,包括城市贫困人口、老年人、儿童、流动人口及女性等;3) 加强中西部城市、中小城市及特殊类型城市的研究,扩大研究案例范围;4) 在格局–机制研究的基础上,加强过程研究,实现自然–人文过程耦合,侧重过程模拟及预测;5) 强化多学科交叉融合,加强历史地理、医学及健康地理、犯罪地理、城市规划等学科与城市地理的交叉融合研究;6) 关注要素研究的同时强化系统研究,实现由要素研究向系统研究转变;7) 加强大小数据相结合。
Abstract: Based on 247 urban geography projects that funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) from year 2012 and 2016, projects composition, research objects(spatial scale), re-search elements, research topics (and core topics), research perspectives, theory, methods and disciplines are analyzed and concluded. Projects are composed of Youth projects and General projects, Regional projects are few, Outstanding young projects, Major projects and other types are lacked, and this phenomenon leaves a broad space for future foundation. Through the analysis, it needs breakthrough in the following fields. 1) Research scale can be focused on microscale, realizing combination of macro research and micro research; 2) Special population groups can be expanded, including urban poor, old people, children, floating population and women; 3) Study cases should be emphasized on middle and west cities, medium and small-sized cities and special type of cities, increasing studying case numbers; 4) About the three core topics: urban structure, urban mechanism and urban process, urban process should be more focused on realizing human and natural process coordination, strengthening process simulation and forecasts in future; 5) In-tegrating multiple relative disciplines, such as historical geography, medical and health geography, criminal geography and urban planning; 6) Enhancing systematic research, realizing transfor-mation from element research to system research; 7) Combining big data application into basic data collection.
文章引用:郑芳, 侯迎, 程仕瀚. 基于国家自然科学基金资助的中国城市地理学研究热点分析[J]. 地理科学研究, 2017, 6(4): 215-222. https://doi.org/10.12677/GSER.2017.64024


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