《模拟电子技术》课程“混合 + 复合式”教学的改革与探索
Reform and Exploration of “Mixed + Combined” Teaching in Analog Electronic Technology Course
DOI: 10.12677/CES.2017.54047, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,710  浏览: 4,095  科研立项经费支持
作者: 曲丽荣, 王枢华:三江学院电子信息工程学院,江苏 南京
关键词: 模拟电子技术教学改革翻转课堂混合复合式教学实验探索创新能力Analog Electronic Technology Teaching Reform Flipped Classroom Blended Teaching Experimental Exploration Innovative Ability
摘要: 《模拟电子技术》课程是一门电子信息类非常重要的专业基础课,对后续课程的学习起到承上启下的作用。在传统课堂中有效引入“翻转课堂”教学模式,将“互联网+”时代提供的丰富资源、视频和图片等影音资料融入到教学中,线上线下混合式教学;在实践教学环节采用“虚拟仿真项目法”、“任务驱动项目法”,课内课外复合式教学;以学生为主体,突出教学新思路,以培养学生的实际应用和创新能力为目标,对“模拟电子技术”课程的教学进行了“混合 + 复合式”改革与探索,激发学生求知的欲望和学习的积极性,从“要我学”转变为“我要学”,教与学的效率显著提高,教学效果也大大提升。
Abstract: The course of analog electronic technology is a very important basic course for electronic infor-mation. It will serve as a link between the following courses. In the traditional classroom, the “flipped classroom” teaching model is effectively introduced. The “Internet plus” era provides abundant resources, such as video and picture video data into teaching, online and offline blended teaching. In practice teaching, the “virtual simulation project method” and “task driven project method” are adopted. In class and after class compound teaching, it takes students as the main body and stresses new ideas in teaching, aiming at training students’ practical application and creative ability. The reform and exploration of “mixing and compounding” are carried out in the course of “analog electronic technology”, which stimulates the students’ desire for knowledge and the enthusiasm of study. The efficiency of teaching and learning has been greatly improved, and the teaching effect has also been greatly improved.
文章引用:曲丽荣, 王枢华. 《模拟电子技术》课程“混合 + 复合式”教学的改革与探索[J]. 创新教育研究, 2017, 5(4): 305-310. https://doi.org/10.12677/CES.2017.54047


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