Feasibility Study on Ladle with Scrap Add Iron
DOI: 10.12677/MEng.2017.43027, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,816  浏览: 5,362 
作者: 张春雷, 丁 平, 王 凯, 黄 剑, 张建涛:江苏永钢集团有限公司生产运营部,江苏 张家港
关键词: 铁水包废钢废钢比挖潜增效Ladle Scrap Scrap Rate Tapping Potential and Increasing Efficiency
摘要: 为了降低生产成本,提高生存能力,挖潜增效,永钢通过在2#~5#高炉和1#钢厂实施“铁水包加废钢再受铁”的工业性试验,来间接提高废钢比,并探索废钢预热、加入量、停留时间等对炼钢用铁水的影响。研究结果表明:废钢未预热,铁水包无结底;废钢种类选择了材质较薄的散装电工钢;废钢加入量占铁水包容量的百分比为3%;加废钢的铁水包对铁水停留时间影响不大。综合计算1#钢厂的废钢比由16%提高至18%,效果十分显著,为“铁水加废钢”常态化运行提供了依据。
Abstract: In order to reduce the production cost and improve survival ability, tapping potential and in-creasing efficiency, Yong Steel indirectly increases the scrap steel rate through the implementation of test ladle with scrap in 2#~5# blast furnace and 1# steel mill, and explores the effect of scrap preheating and residence time on molten iron of steelmaking; the industrial test begins to take effect in Yong Steel. The results show that: without preheating, the hot metal ladle bottom is clean; the bulk electrical steel scrap material is thin and easy to be melted in the high temperature molten iron; each hot metal ladle add some scrap steel, and the amount of steel added to each ladle accounts for 3 percent of the iron ladle; The hot metal ladle packing with scrap steel has little impact on the residence time of the hot metal. The steel scrap ratio of 1# steel mill is increased from 16% to 18%, and the effect is remarkable. Thus it can be seen that it provides a basic research for normalizing operation of “the adding scrap steel into ladle”.
文章引用:张春雷, 丁平, 王凯, 黄剑, 张建涛. 铁水包加废钢再受铁可行性探究[J]. 冶金工程, 2017, 4(3): 186-192. https://doi.org/10.12677/MEng.2017.43027


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