Categorization Study on the Determination of Trademark Infringement of Keyword Advertisement in Paid Listing
DOI: 10.12677/DS.2017.33003, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,697  浏览: 4,202  国家科技经费支持
作者: 张倩瑶, 张韬略:同济大学法学院,上海
关键词: 竞价排名关键词设置行为商标侵权Paid Listing Keyword Advertisement Trademark Infringement
摘要: 本文的研究从搜索引擎竞价排名1中关键词设置行为2的类型化分析出发,依据链接条目及结果页中是否包含他人商标这一分类标准,将搜索引擎向检索者提供的竞价排名服务最终呈现形式分为四类:类型I“链接条目及结果页中都包含他人商标”;类型II“链接条目中不包含他人商标,结果页中包含”;类型III“链接条目中包含他人商标,结果页中不包含”;类型IV“链接条目及结果页中均不包含他人商标”。通过对近十年国内司法判例的梳理,进一步归纳得出司法实践中关键词投放者设置行为基本认定为构成不正当竞争和商标侵权、构成商标侵权、构成不正当竞争以及不构成侵权四种结论。
Abstract: The study in this article starts from analyze the categorization of keyword advertisement in (web) search engine paid listing. Based on the standard of classification whether link entry and Search Engine Results Page (SERP) include other brand, the final appearance form of keyword advertisement service offered to Page Developers (PDS) by SERP is the following 4 types: Type 1: “Other brand included in both link entry and SERP”; Type 2: “Other brand included in SERP, not in link entry’’; Type 3: “Other brand included in link entry, not in SERP”; Type 4: “Other brand not included both in link entry and SERP”. By combing inland judicial precedent in the recent ten years, the advertisement of keyword advertiser is in justice practice further concluded the following 4 conclusions: constitutes both unfair competition and Trademark infringement, constitutes trademark infringement, constitutes unfair competition and constitution of no tort.
文章引用:张倩瑶, 张韬略. 竞价排名中关键词设置行为的商标侵权认定类型化研究[J]. 争议解决, 2017, 3(3): 29-36. https://doi.org/10.12677/DS.2017.33003


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