Supplementary Evaluation of Two-Word Thesaurus in Test Anxiety
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作者: 孔仪然, 罗宇彤, 李建勋:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 考试焦虑词库评定Test Anxiety Lexical Database Assessment
摘要: 考试焦虑是影响学生学习质量的重要原因之一,由于之前的词库维度较少,意在之前双字词评定的基础上增加愉悦度、唤醒度和形象性三个维度,补充评定考试焦虑双字词库。研究通过测验焦虑量表(Test Anxiety Inventory, TAI)、状态–特质焦虑问卷(State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, STAI)两个问卷区分高中低考试焦虑组,选取西北民族大学在校本科生45人,对406个经过筛选的双字词进行愉悦度、唤醒度、形象性三维度上的评定。结果显示,词汇库内部一致性信度均在0.8以上;被试在唤醒度、形象性上不存在性别差异,但愉悦度上存在性别差异;通过聚类分析发现,愉悦度低唤醒度低的词汇较少。本研究所评定的词汇满足标准化词库的要求,评分结果稳定、可靠,可作为相关考试焦虑研究的实验材料,但有待进一步改善。
Abstract: Test anxiety is one of the important factors affecting the quality of student learning. The aim of the study was to supplement the dimensions of assessment test anxiety double word libraries, because of fewer dimensions of the already existing lexical database. The degrees of pleasure, arousal and image were assessed. Test Anxiety Inventory (TAI) and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) were used to distinguish three groups, including high, moderate and low test anxiety. 45 undergraduates from Northwest University for Nationalities were participated this research to assess 406 words at the degrees of valence, arousal, image. The results showed that the coefficients of the internal consistency were all above 0.8; for gender there were significant differences in the degrees of arousal and pleasant, but not for the degree of image; for different anxious groups, there were no significant differences in three dimensions. The reliability and validity of the test anxiety words system are acceptable and this system can provide normalized stimulant materials for further research in text anxiety.
文章引用:孔仪然, 罗宇彤, 李建勋 (2017). 考试焦虑双字词库的补充评定. 心理学进展, 7(9), 1122-1129. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.79140


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