Study on the Applicability of Air-Source Heat Pump Direct Floor Radiant Heating in Jianghuai Region
DOI: 10.12677/HJCE.2017.65054, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,503  浏览: 3,343 
作者: 陆海荣, 倪美琴, 刘光远, 吕 媛:扬州大学水利与能源动力工程学院,江苏 扬州
关键词: 空气源热泵直接地板辐射供暖经济性节能性江淮地区Air Source Heat Pumps Direct Floor Radiant Heating Economy Energy Saving Jianghuai Area
摘要: 本文简单介绍空气源热泵直接地板辐射供暖系统,根据江淮地区气候特点及近几年出现的冬季极端天气,本文重点针对江淮地区供暖需求的提升,分析了空气源热泵直接地板辐射供暖系统在江淮地区的适用性,为解决南方供暖问题开辟了捷径;另一方面选出空气源热泵直接地板辐射供暖系统最佳运行方式,并将其与几种常见供暖系统在经济性和节能性方面进行了比较,发现应用空气源热泵直接地板辐射供暖系统可减少一次能源消耗和运行费用等,相对传统供暖方式,空气源热泵直接地板辐射供暖系统具有明显的经济与节能环保优势。
Abstract: This paper briefly introduces the air source heat pump direct floor radiant heating system, according to the climate characteristics of the Jianghuai area and the extreme weather in recent years. This paper focuses on the improvement of heating demand in Jianghuai area and analyzes the applicability of air-source heat pump direct floor radiant heating system in Jianghuai area to open up a shortcut to solve the problem of heating in the south. On the other hand, we chose to run the air source heat pump directly to the floor of the best way to radiant heating systems and compare it to the economic and energy savings of several common heating system. It is found that the application of air source heat pump direct floor radiant heating system can reduce primary energy consumption and operating costs, relative to the traditional heating mode, it has obvious economic and energy saving advantages.
文章引用:陆海荣, 倪美琴, 刘光远, 吕媛. 空气源热泵直接地板辐射供暖在江淮地区的适用性研究[J]. 土木工程, 2017, 6(5): 453-458. https://doi.org/10.12677/HJCE.2017.65054


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