Analysis of Frequency Modulation Characteristics of Synchronous Generators in Microgrid
DOI: 10.12677/AEPE.2017.54015, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,686  浏览: 3,735 
作者: 刘新才:山东职业学院,电气系,山东 济南;耿英明:山东大学,电气工程学院,山东 济南
关键词: 微电网孤岛运行同步发电机调频特性Micro-Grid Island Operation Synchronous Generator Frequency Modulation Characteristics
摘要: 微电网在孤岛运行时无公用电网的支撑,仅由分布式电源维持系统稳定,可采用以同步发电机作为主控制单元的运行模式。论文对基于V⁄f控制的同步发电机调速系统特性进行数字仿真研究,给出了同步发电机调速系统和自动发电控制系统的数学模型,分析了调速系统的稳定性。通过对不同负荷变化情况进行仿真,分析了微电网孤岛运行时同步发电机无差调节及有差调节的特性。
Abstract: In the island mode with no support of large power grid, the stable operation is maintained only by distributed energy. We can take synchronous generator as main control unit. This paper focuses on the synchronous generator speed control system characteristics and simulation. The main research contents include the establishment of synchronous generator speed control system and automatic power generation control system mathematical model and the stability analysis of the speed control system. Then through simulation of different load changes, the characteristics of synchronous generator’s differential regulation and non-differential regulation are studied, which supports the stable operation of micro-grid.
文章引用:刘新才, 耿英明. 微电网中同步发电机调频特性分析[J]. 电力与能源进展, 2017, 5(4): 92-98. https://doi.org/10.12677/AEPE.2017.54015


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