Thirteen-Five Period Seeks the Development: The University Library Should Build the Multi Dimensional Consciousness
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.68161, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,618  浏览: 2,034 
作者: 郑岱霞:中国计量大学图书馆,浙江 杭州
关键词: “十三五”时期大学图书馆多维度意识服务Thirteen-Five Period The University Library Multi Dimensional Consciousness Service
摘要: 大学图书馆在“十三五”时期需树立多维度意识,对图书馆的发展做好顶层设计,审时度势地执行具有前瞻性、创新性和挑战性的战略规划,以保证大学图书馆在各组织中保持战略性优势并引领新常态。尤其是开放意识重视开放服务、创新意识驱动创新服务、绿色意识青睐绿色服务、共享意识促进共享服务、协调意识达成协调服务得与“创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享”五大发展理念密切相联。从细微做起,脚踏实地为用户提供多元化服务,为教学和科研提供多视角支持。不断适应环境变化,及时应对新的挑战,促使大学图书馆在互联网时代全面转型与超越。
Abstract: The university library director should build the Multi-dimensional consciousness in the “Thir-teen-Five” period, constructing multi-dimensional consciousness and arousing execute positive energy, providing top design for the library development, making prospective, innovative and challenging strategic plan according to the situation. This is to ensure that the university library maintains a strategic advantage in different organizations and leads the new normal. In particular, open consciousness improves open service, innovation consciousness drives innovation services, green consciousness favors green service, shared consciousness promotes shared services, coordination consciousness achieves coordination services, and closely linked with the “innovation, coordination, green, open, shared” development concepts. The university library director should work earnest from the tiny jobs, providing diverse service for the users and multi dimensional support for the teaching, learning and studying. The university library director should flexibly apply the subconscious promoting principle to timely cope with environment changes and be ready for new challenges. It is important to promote the university library a comprehensive transformation and transcendence in the Internet era.
文章引用:郑岱霞. “十三五”时期谋发展:大学图书馆需树立多维度意识[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(8): 1126-1134. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.68161


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