The Research on the Influence of Customer-to-Customer Interaction on Customer Citizenship Behavior
摘要: 顾客在服务传递与生产消费中扮演多种角色,在任何服务中都不可避免地有一定程度的顾客参与。在大多数的服务环境中,他们一同接受或者共同创造服务;当然也有可能在服务环境中等待其他顾客享受服务。以上几种情景顾客们都位于服务现场,他们可能减少或者增加其他顾客对服务质量的感知;许多情况下,顾客除了与服务环境中的人员相互影响外甚至还与其他顾客间相互影响。本次研究的基本内容是:围绕顾客间互动、社会情感支持、工具性支持以及顾客公民行为四者的联系,着重探讨顾客间互动对顾客公民行为的影响。研究采用问卷调查法,通过AMOS对数据进行实证分析,研究结果表明,顾客间互动以社会情感支持和工具性支持为媒介影响顾客公民行为。
Abstract: Customers carry multiple roles in the process of service delivery and productive consumption; inev-itably there is a certain degree of customer participation in any service. In most service environ-ments, customers together accept service or co-create service; it’s also possible for them to wait for other customers to enjoy the service in the service environment. The customers are physically pre-sent in service area in the above circumstances, which may reduce or enhance other customers’ perception of the service quality; in many cases, customers do even interact with other customers in addition to people in the service environment. The basic content of this study mainly focuses on how customer-to-customer interaction has an influence on customer citizenship behavior around the relationship between customer interactions, socio-emotional support, instrumental support and customer citizenship behavior. This study adopts questionnaire method and does empirical anal-ysis for sample data through AMOS. The results reveal that customer-to-customer interaction has positive impacts on customer citizenship behavior. Meanwhile, socio-emotional support and in-strumental support act as the mediator between customer-to-customer interaction and so-cio-emotional support.
文章引用:杜喻东, 刘洪深. 顾客间互动对顾客公民行为的影响研究[J]. 现代市场营销, 2017, 7(3): 76-84. https://doi.org/10.12677/MOM.2017.73010


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