Psychology or Behavior: An Analysis of the Object of Psychological Research
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.78126, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,621  浏览: 7,302  科研立项经费支持
作者: 邱小艳*:湖南科技学院高等教育研究所,湖南 永州
关键词: 心理行为争论整合Mentality Behaviour Debate Integration
摘要: 心理学的研究对象问题是心理学研究中的重要理论问题。关于心理学的研究对象,西方心理学界出现了两种不同的心理学科学观:心理科学观与行为科学观。长期以来,二者各执己见,争论不休,二者的对峙贯穿了心理学发展的始终。本文立足于心理学的整合视野,重新审视一百多年来西方心理学发展历程中的心理与行为之争,理清各自的发展脉络,并分析争论的实质及消解方略。
Abstract: The object of psychology is an important theoretical problem in the study of psychology. About the object of psychology, there are two different psychological scientific views in Western Psychology: the view of psychological science and the view of behavioral science. For a long time, the two debates, two each one sticks to his own viewpoint, the confrontation has always been applied in psychology development. Based on the integrated vision of psychology, this paper reviews the conflicts between psychology and behavior in the course of development of Western Psychology in the past more than 100 years, clarifies their respective development threads, and analyzes the essence of the dispute and the strategies for its resolution.
文章引用:邱小艳 (2017). 心理抑或行为:浅析心理学研究对象之争. 心理学进展, 7(8), 1009-1013. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.78126


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