Modeling and Application of Airport Security System Efficiency
DOI: 10.12677/MOS.2017.63020, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 1,818  浏览: 6,141  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 张楠, 李子怡, 丰全东*:北京林业大学理学院,北京;周甜甜:北京林业大学经济管理学院,北京
关键词: 机场安检系统排队理论传输系统效率线性规划线性插值假设检验Airport Security System Queuing Theory Transmission System Efficiency Linear Programming Linear Interpolation Hypothesis Test
摘要: 本文通过建立机场安检系统效率模型,探讨了在确保安全的前提下,提高旅客吞吐量和服务系统稳定性的方法。首先,运用排队系统模型,找出服务强度最大的瓶颈,并借鉴传送系统效率模型分析旅客通过瓶颈区的效率。其次,分析影响瓶颈区效率的因素,制定减压的具体计划,应用线性规划模型,获得平衡效率和成本的最优计划,并通过传送系统效率模型来验证措施的有效性。最后,筛选数据来模拟各年龄组旅客的运动,使用各年龄组的比例作为其权重来计算旅客平均通过时间。用线性插值预测2020年各年龄组的人口比例,并模拟人口老龄化的情况,使用假设检验来验证系统的敏感度,用来分析机场安检系统对特定乘客群体的适应性,提出提高服务体系的稳定性的办法。
Abstract: This paper establishes the airport security system efficiency model to explore the way to improve passenger throughput and the stability of the service system in the premise of ensuring safety. Firstly, the queuing system model is used to find the bottleneck according to the service intensity, and the efficiency of the bottleneck area is verified by the transmission system efficiency model. Secondly, analyze the factors that affect the efficiency of the bottleneck area, and develop the con-crete plans of decompression, then apply the linear programming model to obtain the optimal plan of balance efficiency and cost, and verify the effectiveness of the measures through the transmission system efficiency model. Finally, the data were screened to simulate the movement of passengers in all age groups, using the proportions of the age groups as their weight to calculate the average transit time. Linearly interpolate the population of each age group in 2020, and use the hypothesis test to verify the sensitivity of the system in order to analyze the adaptability of the airport security system to specific passenger groups and propose ways to improve the stability of the service system.
文章引用:张楠, 李子怡, 周甜甜, 丰全东. 机场安检系统效率的建模及应用[J]. 建模与仿真, 2017, 6(3): 170-178. https://doi.org/10.12677/MOS.2017.63020


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