Discussion on the Claim Cycle and Cost of Overseas Automobile Parts
DOI: 10.12677/MM.2017.74019, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,377  浏览: 2,677 
作者: 夏桃连*, 黄 勇:浙江吉润汽车有限公司(海外制造中心),浙江 宁波
关键词: 零部件索赔零部件索赔周期零部件索赔成本Parts Claim The Cycle of Parts Claim The Cost of Parts Claim
摘要: 如何在低成本的情况下快速将需要索赔的汽车零部件送达海外以满足海外汽车工厂生产需要是索赔最重要的工作之一,而汽车零部件的索赔周期和索赔成本又是不容忽视的问题。本文以G公司汽车零部件的索赔周期和成本问题为例,分析了零部件索赔情况、对缩短索赔周期与控制索赔成本的方法进行探讨并提出索赔成本追溯方案。
Abstract: One of the most important works of the claim operation is how to quickly deliver the automobile claim parts which need to be claimed at low cost to meet the production requirements of overseas automobile factory. The claim cycle and the claim cost are so significant that don’t allow to be ignored. This paper takes the cycle and cost of auto claim parts of G company as an example, analyses the condition of the automobile claim parts, explores the method of shortening claim period and controlling the claim cost, and furthermore, proposes the traceability plans of claim cost.
文章引用:夏桃连, 黄勇. 海外工厂汽车零部件的索赔周期及成本问题探讨[J]. 现代管理, 2017, 7(4): 133-139. https://doi.org/10.12677/MM.2017.74019


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