Van Dijk认知语境思想的批判与发展
The Critique and Development of Van Dijk’s Cognitive Context Thought
DOI: 10.12677/ML.2017.53030, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,533  浏览: 3,050 
作者: 潘凤翔 :杭州师范大学,浙江 杭州
关键词: 语境话语社会认知心理模式Context Discourse Social Cognition Psychological Pattern
摘要: 作为批评话语分析流派主要代表之一的Van Dijk,逐渐形成了从社会认知视角研究语境的独特理论思想。本研究在追溯语境研究起源的基础上,通过对传统语境观以及认知语境理论的批判与发展来发现Van Dijk在认知语境理论方面的新探索。同时这一崭新的认知语境思想可以解释过去的语言理论所不能解释的问题和现象,如在同一交际情景中不同的语言使用者对话语生产和理解所体现出来的独特性和共性等。
Abstract: Van Dijk, one of the main representatives of critical discourse analysis, gradually formed the unique theoretical thought of studying context from the perspective of social cognition. Based on the study of the origin of contextual study, this study finds out the new exploration of Van Dijk's cognitive context theory through the criticism and development of traditional context theory and cognitive context theory. At the same time, the new ideas of cognitive context theory can explain the problems and phenomena that the past language cannot explain, such as the uniqueness and generality reflected by different language users in the same communication situation of discourse production and understanding, etc.
文章引用:潘凤翔. Van Dijk认知语境思想的批判与发展[J]. 现代语言学, 2017, 5(3): 223-227.


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