Investigation and Analysis on Health Information Literacy of 2016 Freshmen in Ningxia Medical University
DOI: 10.12677/NS.2017.64020, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,948  浏览: 4,836  科研立项经费支持
作者: 贾卓琳, 韩玉梅, 何英秀, 虎 梅, 卜 越:宁夏医科大学 临床医学院,宁夏 银川;张文学*:宁夏医科大学 理学院,宁夏 银川;张海宏:宁夏医科大学 护理学院,宁夏 银川
关键词: 健康信息素养大学新生医科大学调查分析Health Information Literacy Freshmen Medical University Investigation and Analysis
摘要: 目的:了解宁夏医科大学2016级新生的健康信息素养水平,为制定我校新生健康信息素养培养策略和相关研究提供依据。方法:采取整群抽样的方法,对我校300名一年级新生使用自编问卷进行健康素养现状调查,采用SPSS的Pearson相关分析对调查问卷从个人基本信息、个人健康信息认知、健康信息获取、健康信息评价、健康信息应用以及健康信息道德等六个方面进行数据处理。结果:在个人健康信息认知方面,主动查找健康信息的学生比例为57.1%,能够清楚描述健康信息的比例为30.4%;在个人健康信息获取方面,44.0%的新生没有访问过正规健康网站,仅41.9%的学生能够通过正确的方式判别医疗机构的正规与否;在健康信息应用方面,56.7%的新生能够根据给出的健康信息应用进生活中;在健康信息道德方面,75.1%的新生能够保守他人的健康隐私,78.2%的新生能够保护自身的健康隐私。结论:宁夏医科大学2016级新生个人健康信息认知水平较差,通过互联网获取的健康信息准确性不高,对健康信息的评价能力不足,健康信息应用能力不高,但新生健康信息道德水平整体较高。因此,学校需要发挥班会、社团、学生会的作用,通过专题讲座、图书馆主题阅读活动、选修课等多途径,有针对性地培养新生的健康信息素养。
Abstract: Aim: To investigate the health information literacy level of 2016 freshmen in Ningxia Medical University, and to provide the training strategies of health information literacy for freshmen. Methods: The questionnaire survey was used to randomly select 300 freshmen by cluster sampling. Basic personal information, health information awareness, health information acquisition, health information evaluation, health information application and health information ethics were analyzed by Pearson correlation. Results: In the case of personal health information awareness, the proportion of freshmen who volunteered to find health information was 57.1%, and the proportion of freshman who can describe health information clearly was 30.4%. 44.0% of new students have not visited the formal health website. Only 41.9% of students can distinguish the regular medical institutions in the right way. In the application of health information, 56.7% of freshman can apply the given health information into life. In health information ethics, 75.1% of new students can keep others healthy privacy, 78.2% of new students can protect their own health privacy. Conclusion: The level of personal health information awareness of 2016 freshmen in Ningxia Medical University is poor, and the health information obtained through the Internet is not accurate .The freshman lack ability of health information evaluation and application. But the level of freshman health information ethics is higher than other aspects. Therefore, the school needs to play the role of class, community, student union, and through lectures, reading activities in library, elective courses and other ways, targeted to cultivate freshmen’s health information literacy.
文章引用:贾卓琳, 张文学, 韩玉梅, 何英秀, 虎梅, 卜越, 张海宏. 宁夏医科大学2016级新生健康信息素养调查分析[J]. 护理学, 2017, 6(4): 101-106. https://doi.org/10.12677/NS.2017.64020


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