Empirical Research on Relationship between Subliminal Emotion and Implicit Sequence Learning: Evidence from Eye Movements
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.78123, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,781  浏览: 2,438 
作者: 黄林洁琼, 卢张龙:郑州大学教育学院,河南 郑州
关键词: 情绪内隐学习序列学习眼动Emotion Implicit Learning Sequence Learning Eye Movements
摘要: 采用内隐序列学习眼动范式探究阈下情绪对内隐学习的影响。实验设计为单因素被试间实验设计,自变量为阈下情绪,阈下情绪通过快速呈现接近或远离刺激而实现,因变量为眼跳反应时。结果发现:1) 阈下积极情绪启动组眼跳反应时显著低于阈下消极情绪启动组的;2) 组段和组别交互作用显著,简单效应分析表明,阈下积极情绪启动组随着组段增加眼跳反应时显著减少;3) 阈下积极情绪启动的学习成绩显著高于阈下消极情绪启动的。结果表明:阈下积极情绪促进内隐序列学习;阈下消极情绪干扰内隐序列学习。
Abstract: Current study adopted implicit sequence learning paradigm and eye-movement technology to explore the effect of emotion on implicit learning. Experimental design is single factor between- subject experiment, and independent variable is subliminal emotion while dependent variable is saccadic reaction time. Additionally, we induced subliminal negative and positive emotions by quickly presenting approaching and receding stimuli. Results were showed as follows: 1) saccadic reaction time was less in positive emotion group than negative emotion group; 2) there was significant interaction between group and block, and simple effect analysis indicated that the saccadic reaction time in positive emotion group was decreasing with increasing blocks while there was non-significant effect in negative emotion group; 3) the amount of implicit sequence learning was significantly higher in positive emotion group than negative emotion group. The results suggested that positive emotion rather than negative emotion promoted implicit sequence learning.
文章引用:黄林洁琼, 卢张龙 (2017). 阈下情绪与内隐序列学习关系的眼动研究. 心理学进展, 7(8), 988-995. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.78123


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