A Competing Metric Balancing Mechanism for Routing in Wireless Sensor Network
DOI: 10.12677/CSA.2017.78084, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,386  浏览: 2,946  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 罗 恒*:苏州科技大学江苏省建筑智慧节能重点实验室,江苏 苏州;苏州科技大学苏州市移动网络技术与应用重点实验室,江苏 苏州;邹优敏, 郁志豪:苏州科技大学苏州市移动网络技术与应用重点实验室,江苏 苏州
关键词: 无线传感网多参数均衡路由机制模糊逻辑Wireless Sensor Network Multi-Parameter Balancing Routing Fuzzy Logics
摘要: 无线传感器网络能够实时监测覆盖区域内各种物理量的动态变化情况,在军事、环境监测等领域获得了广泛应用。由于无线链路的时变特性、网络结构的动态变化等因素,使得无线传感网的路由设计一直是研究的热点和难点。当前的路由算法主要是基于单目标的性能优化,算法性能随着应用的差异产生很大的不同。针对多参数系统在实际情况中的应用需求,以传包率、时延、抖动、吞吐量、能耗等为衡量指标,结合模糊理论,提出一种基于GRC的多参数均衡的路由机制。实验结果表明,基于GRC的方法可以有效选择最优化算法,依据评估结果动态选择最优化算法,在中等流量情况下,系统能够获得32%的整体性能增益。方法实现了算法性能的定量分析、性能排序,结果可以为无线传感网性能评估提供一定的理论依据,也可以为算法优化提供方向。
Abstract: Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is capable of measuring parameters within its coverage area. It gains wide applications in the areas such as military fields, environment monitoring for the sake of safety, efficiency as well as on-time nature. Nevertheless, factors such as time dependent nature of wireless links, dynamic topology make it different for proliferation of wireless sensor network. Routing is a key but the most difficult part in the design as well as optimization of wireless sensor networks. Specific speaking, routing in WSN is designed to improve one or at most two performance metrics, leading to its performance deterioration when the application fields change. An adaptive routing mechanism based on GRC, with five metrics considered, is proposed, targeting at multiple parameters such as packet delivery ratio, delay, jitter, throughput and energy cost evaluation, in this paper to rank the alternative protocols and thus rank them accordingly using fuzzy logics. Competing metrics are balanced and therefore our method is able to obtain the optimal routing algorithm. Simulation results show that a 32% gain may be achieved by using the proposed method in terms of middle traffic flow. Our method is able to provide a quantitative method for performance evaluation for wireless sensor network. It also aims at providing benchmark for algorithm optimization.
文章引用:罗恒, 邹优敏, 陆家欣, 郁志豪. 无线传感网多参数路由均衡机制研究[J]. 计算机科学与应用, 2017, 7(8): 729-737. https://doi.org/10.12677/CSA.2017.78084


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