The Study of the Suitability of the Current Transport Aircraft Bird-Strike Airworthiness Regulations under the Condition of Our Country
DOI: 10.12677/JAST.2017.53014, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,657  浏览: 4,320  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 苏 艳, 顾晨轩, 王 辉:南京航空航天大学民航学院,江苏 南京;戴顺安:中国民用航空上海航空器适航审定中心,上海
关键词: 运输类飞机适航规章鸟撞Transport Aircraft Airworthiness Regulations Bird-Strike
摘要: 本文通过研究FAA运输类飞机鸟撞适航条款制定背景与修订依据,分析中国与美国鸟环境特点,总结对比了近年来中国和美国的鸟撞数据,分析了现行运输类飞机鸟撞适航条款在我国运行环境下的适宜性,为民航鸟撞适航审定指南提供修订参考。
Abstract: This paper studied the amendment background and amendment basis of FAA’s transport aircraft bird-strike airworthiness regulations, analyzed Chinese and American bird environment charac-teristics, summarized and compared Chinese and American bird strike data in recent years. The suitability of the current transport aircraft bird-strike airworthiness regulations is analyzed un-der the condition of our country. It provides reference for amendment the bird-strike airworthiness regulations.
文章引用:苏艳, 顾晨轩, 戴顺安, 王辉. 我国运行环境下运输类飞机鸟撞适航条款适宜性研究[J]. 国际航空航天科学, 2017, 5(3): 128-135. https://doi.org/10.12677/JAST.2017.53014


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