Analysis of Etiologic Subtypes in Young Adults with Cerebral Infarction
DOI: 10.12677/ACM.2017.73023, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,389  浏览: 1,973 
作者: 饶 萍, 付欣羽, 郑 辉, 张 轩:成都市第一人民医院神经内科,四川 成都
关键词: 脑梗死青年人危险因素Cerebral Infarction Young People Risk Factors
摘要: 目的:对青年人的脑梗死的危险因素进行分析和探讨,预防青年脑梗死的发生,提高其治愈率,降低其致残率和病死率。方法:通过对2013年10月~2016年10月期间在我院住院的41例青年脑梗死患者危险因素进行分析。结果:最常见的病因是血脂异常30例,占73.17%,其次为高血压27例(65.85%),青年脑梗死的危险因素主要与体重、高胆固醇和不良嗜好有关(如吸烟和饮酒)。结论:青年人发生脑梗死的危险因素除与老年人脑梗死的危险因素有其共同点外,还与其吸烟、饮酒、家族史、体重和不良嗜好有关。
Abstract: Objective: To analyze and explore the risk factors of cerebral infarction in young people, to prevent the occurrence and improve the cure rate of cerebral infarction in young people, and to reduce the morbidity and mortality. Methods: Analyze the risk factors of 41 young patients with cerebral infarction who were hospitalized in our hospital from October 2013 to October 2016. Results: the most common cause was abnormal blood lipid, accounted for 73.17%, followed by hypertension in 65.85%, the main risk factors of cerebral infarction in young adults are body weight, high cholesterol and bad habits (such as smoking and drinking). Conclusion: the risk factors of cerebral infarction in young people are not only related to the same risk factors in elderly people, but also related to smoking, drinking, family history, weight and bad habits.
文章引用:饶萍, 付欣羽, 郑辉, 张轩. 41例青年脑梗死的病因分析[J]. 临床医学进展, 2017, 7(3): 143-147. https://doi.org/10.12677/ACM.2017.73023


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